Sunday, June 01, 2008

Treading on China Waters

My lull has been too long many of you may have wondered if I am still breathing.

Life in Beijing has just proven to be very hectic. The hotel's opening is slowly closing in and everyone is expected to produce exemplary results this early. Understandable!

I don't have my kitchen yet which has cost the company more than 1M RMB in equipment and tools. It is a little frustrating that you can only do so much in a decrepit and less-equipped school kitchen which we are renting at the moment until we move in to our real home.

Honestly, I am not very proud of the results. Nevertheless, I want to share a few of the things we have produced so far.


Anonymous said...

I love your style...the scattering effects of beads and pieces of stuff.
Hope you could share some your

Anonymous said...

Your photos are beautiful.