Monday, February 25, 2008

The Ultimate Ice Cream Collection

Contemporary Food Installation

Three quenelles of home-made ice cream plated in a very modern way.

This is more of an architectural feat than anything else!

Tubular-shaped fresh tropical fruits provide harmony, height and color.


First, I brushed the plate with dark chocolate sauce.

Second, I cut the fruits using a narrow round cutter.

Third, three small sponge disks are placed alternately with the tubular fruits - keeps the ice cream from slipping.

Fourth, the ice creams are portioned and placed on each of the disks.

Fifth, the most exciting part, I put together the tempered chocolate squares by inserting a thin piece of lemongrass into the tiny holes and gingerly arrange on the plate.


skoraq cooks said...

I am so very speechless....!!!

SouthernGal said...

wow!! as someone in the pastry field...I am amazed by this!

Beautiful plate-up! I want to devour that ice cream! What kind of ice cream did you make?

Nouel C. Omamalin said...

Hey southerngal!

Thanks for dropping by and for leaving a good comment.

I have developed my own niche in this industry - I go for a type of approach that defies classical methods.

The ice creams?

Earl-grey Bittersweet Chocolate
Rose Petal Ice Cream
Fiji Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

david santos said...

Excellent posting!

Bri said...

This is really fun! How brave of you to work with such melty subjects as chocolate and ice cream. Great presentation!

Nouel C. Omamalin said...

Hi Bri!

It is tough but fun. It is really enjoyable defying something. I just want to create my own signature in plating desserts.

Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

I am so amazed at how you come up with your creations. it has become a habit of mine to view your blog and just marvel at your food wonders.

If I am served with this ice cream concoction of yours, I most probably being shedding a tear of delight and stare at it for a few minutes before even attempting to eat it.
